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22. januar 2020

Ichneumon tuberculipes

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Geir Ørsnes på Hymoptera Forum på Facebook: It´s Ichneumon tuberculipes. Hind coxa have tubercles (small, hairy patches, clearly visible on your last photo). I got the measures of the widest segments wrong, they fit with tuberculipes (about 2 times as wide as long). The photo of antenna isn´t sharp enough to count all segments, maybe there are more than 38? Anyways, there are no other species that match that have tubercles (see for example these photos of tuberculipes at for comparison:

There are 4 other European Ichneumon species with tubercles (according to Hilpert 1992): altaicola, balteatus, cerebrosus and coniger, but the colouring of these species are different (altaicola, balteatus and cerebrosus never have completely black tergites 2-3 and legs acccording to the key/descriptions in Hilpert). Ichneumon coniger is very close to tuberculipes, but coniger should have legs mostly red.


Foto: Arne Kiis

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