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8. juni 2014

Ukendt Penaincisalia art for videnskaben.

I går fik jeg en mail; 6th June 2014; I found a very nice picture of a Penaincisalia butterfly in your web page. Actually, this is a new species to science in a small species-group Im reviewing taxonomically and it was the subject of my PhD thesis. I supose you didnt collect this specimen but any other information about exact locality it will be very nice for me. Carlos Prieto

Her link til den ukendte blåsommerfugl, Penaincisalia species? Cascades des Sacramento Alto elv. 2600 m. Yungas, Bolivia 2th February 2014. Photographer; Ole Andersen:

Her link til selve foto;

Her link til Andean Lycaenid af Carlos Prieto;

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