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2. august 2015

Foranderlig / moshumle-kaos.....

Hej alle

Lars Brøndum og jeg er gået om bord i Vestjyllands bier, og det har straks givet os flere grå hår, end godt er. Vi er på en lokalitet ved Vejers, hvor Ole Fogh Nielsen har fanget masser af foranderlig humle (Bombus humilis). I dag vadede vi så rundt iblandt mængder af smukt gyldne.... ja.... ud fra fotos at dømme vil vi godt nok dømme moshumle. Men det gode spørgsmål er, om moshumle overhovedet kan foto-nøgles?

I følgende tekst står således følgende: The main criteria used for separating B. humilis from B. muscorum were the presence of black hairs in the wing bases (Benton, 2006). Unfortunately this is not a constant character with many B. humilis specimens not having black hairs or many B. humilis having only one black hair on only one wing base. Contrary to most bumblebees in my experience, queens of these species in Devon and Cornwall are more difficult to separate than workers despite their larger size. Other field characters such as length of hair on thorax (more uneven in B. humilis) and general colouring can be very apparent in fresh workers, fresh queens and males. A large number of bees in the field have a general look of B. humilis / muscorum. This makes counting difficult. For example, at Penhale Point several workers were counted as B. muscorum both based on “jizz” and the absence of black hairs but the only voucher taken proved to be B. humilis. As such the count data represents a pragmatic approach to this problem. B. pascorum is very rarely difficult separate from the other two species in Devon and Cornwall

Som Maude ville sige... "Jeg tror, jeg går ind & lægger mig" ;-)

Foto: Hvad er det?!?!

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