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4. marts 2008

Arums and Trollius

hello everybody,

I'm a student from switzerland and I'm working ôn the pollination biology of Arum maculatum , Arum cylindraceum and Trollius europaeus in Europe. For this I need to collect some pollinators and some leaves of the plants through the whole distribution of the plants. My problem is that it is important that I arrive at teh sites when plants are in blossom... not before and not after.. just at the right moment... As I can not be everywher all the time to control this, îIt would be great if somebody could tell me when the plants are ready to flower in different parts of the distribution... so I would liek to know if anybody of you could make me this service, and when you see one population of one of these species with tight flowers you tell me, and then I know that blossom is for the next -let's say- week...

I hope somebody will be able to help me... THANKS!!!

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