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26. november 2017

Undersøgelser af snegle i Jylland mm - kan I hjælpe med data?


Jeg har fået følgende forespørgsel via min hjemmeside:

"I found your adres on internet: flora and fauna in Denmark.

I live in The Netherlands and works for many years on malacological (snegler) research. Maybe you can help me with information?

This year and in 2016 I have investigated the Moesgard-area, some km south of Aarhus, especially on molluscs (landsnails and watersnails-/bivalves) in combination with the vegetation. I was for a short time (2x 1 week) at the Moesgard museum (botanical laboratory) and I have looked (by many litter samples) witch species are living in the marshes, ponds, forests, grasslands, beach etc.

My questions. It is very difficult (for me?) to find publications about malacological investigations (on snails etc. in Denmark (Jutland). They are scarce?

Is there a malacological society or person(s) who works on landsnail fauna´s? I think Moesgard is never investigated.

In 2018 I will start to make 2 articles concerning my results. One more scientific and one popular (in Danish). Do you have suggestions for a journal for the last?

with many regards,


W.J. Kuijper"

Jeg har søgt om der skulle findes noget mere omfattende på dansk om snegle i Danmark - men uden held - har I nogle ideer ?



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