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18. april 2018

Rødpelsede jordbier?

Fra plænen i dag, Skanderborg.

Det kunne vel være hr. og fru Rødpelset Jordbi?

Ifølge Felthåndbogen kan hannerne ikke bestemmes fra foto, men BWARS mener:

The male (above right) has a large tooth at the base of the mandible (arrowed). This is a feature shared with some other species, so look also for reddish-brown hairs on the thorax of fresh specimens (in fresh specimens these can appear relatively brightly coloured), plus long white hairs on the face (clypeus). For experienced aculeate students these three features together are fairly reliable for helping to determine male A. fulva. Inexperienced students should limit identifications to the much more distinctive female described below.

Selv er jeg i den grad uerfaren, men hvad siger de erfarne?

Foto: Peter Andersen

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