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10. januar 2011

Video på youtube, guldsmede-saltoer i luften

Jeg synes I skulle se denne video fra Singapore. Beskeden nedenunder har jeg modtaget fra mail-listen "Odonata-l":

Hello All,

I''d like to share what I observed recently: a male dragonfly in wheel with a female would simultaneously guard an ovipositing female which he earlier mated with. Also, a dragonfly would avoid physical attack by another dragonfly by somersaulting forward at high speed (I have observed this quite a number of times).

Please take a look at the video clip linked below. The clip was 22 seconds long. Since it was taken in 240 frames per second and played in 30 frames per second, the actual duration of the action is only about 2.7 seconds.

This is what the short clip shows: A female O. chrysis is ovipositing at the centre. A male B. chalybea is threatening her by hovering close to her. Then a pair of O. chrysis (in wheel) comes in from the top-right and checks on the chalybea. The male in the wheel is most probably the male that the ovipositing female mated with before she commenced oviposition. As the pair in wheel is moving away to the left, a second O. chrysis flies in from the left at high speed and collides with the ovipositing female. The collision is so strong the the male himself almost falls to water. Seeing this, the male in wheel quickly flies back and attempts to chase the intruder away. The intruder avoids being attacked by somersaulting forward a few times at high speed.

Video link:

Has such behaviour of dragonflies been recorded before?

Tang HB


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